Raising a Resilient Family

How to Create Strong Connection and Communication in a Deeply Distracted World

Raising a Resilient Family is a book about solutions. It is about helping families move through the challenging struggles of this current culture, while teaching awareness around sometimes invisible obstacles. With the unprecedented statistics on depression and anxiety, suicide and drug overdoses among our young children, parents need real ideas on how to stay in touch and connected to their children. Having facilitated the healing of multiple families from major life conflicts and issues, Susan Horton has put together key components to maintaining a strong, resilient family over a lifetime.

This book will teach you ways to create open and honest communication and authentic connection. These approaches are the most effective tools Susan has used in both her private practice and at the therapeutic school for creating consistent, healthy relationships in a family. These ideas, when applied, really work! Susan believes that the family, no matter what shape it takes, is the foundation for civility in this world. Her greatest hope is to support parents in finding better ways to coexist with their children, successfully, and to help families develop resilience to thrive in extraordinary ways!

Raising a Resilient Family